Clear Edge Filtration集團公司是歐洲**大的專門生產工業(yè)用技術織物的廠家,產品主要用于過濾、篩分、傳送和絲網印刷行業(yè),適用的過濾機械有水平真空帶式過濾機、箱式壓濾機、立式壓濾機、圓盤式過濾機、真空轉鼓過濾機、帶式壓濾機、立式葉濾機、立盤過濾機、摩爾柱式過濾機、離心機,以及用于有毒有害氣體和粉塵過濾的高溫陶瓷濾芯Cerafil?和褶皺濾片CFE。卡銳過濾(蘇州)有限公司是Clear-Edge Filtration集團公司設在中國的加工廠,在庫存的基礎上進行產品的后加工,以利于對用戶的快速交貨和快捷服務。卡銳過濾(蘇州)有限公司歡迎您的光臨。
Clear Edge Filtration? is synonymous with a remarkably extensive range of products. These products, through their innovative construction and reliable performance, add value to the wide range of applications in filtration, sieving, transferring and screen-printing, etc. The machinery for the products to match can involve in horizontal vacuum belt filter, chamber filter, vertical press filter, rotary pan filter, drum filter, belt filter press, security filter, disc filter, Moore candle filter, centrifuges, compact filter element CFE and high-temperature resistance ceramic filter tube Cerafil? for toxic/harmful gas as well as dust removal filtration. Clear Edge Filtration (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd. is a manufacturing factory for fabrication under Clear Edge Filtration Group in China. The material stock locally with extensive product range can meet the quicker delivery and faster after-service to customers. Clear Edge Filtration (Suzhou) Co.,Ltd. welcomes your visit.