1896年 德國德蒙研制出**臺無油氮氣壓縮機組以來,一直致力氣體壓縮機**域的研發與生產,是德國在氣體壓縮**域著名品**,其產品包括活塞無油靜音系列、螺桿式空壓機、真空泵、羅茨鼓風機、移動式高壓空氣壓縮機、離心機等。 集團總部設在德國西部北萊茵-威斯特法倫州魯爾區的多特蒙德主機研發中心所使用的精密加工和檢測設備全部為國際一流水平,確保產品完美地實現設計要求。
德蒙(上海)壓縮機械有限公司成立以來,孜孜以求新技術的研發與推廣運用,確保各項工藝緊密同步與歐洲標準,公司在德國設立有專門的研發中心,加上對中國市場需求及運行工況的充分理解,產品針對國內運行工況設計,壓縮機系統主要部件?*分蕹商捉? 采用歐洲標準總裝線生產,并藉此嚴格控制上海生產基地生產 各零配件的原裝進口率,使其生產的每一臺德蒙空壓機各項性能指標同步歐洲標準。
德蒙不僅可向您提供**小至5.5KW,**大至550KW的高品質螺桿式空氣壓縮機,同時還提供相配套的壓縮空氣后處理設備。在給您帶來 極大便利的同時,您也擁有了我們快捷、專業的服務。
目前,德蒙(上海)壓縮機械有限公司在中國大陸的銷售服務網絡已超過100家,劃分為華東、華南、華西、華北、東北五大區域, 在全國主要城市都設立了辦事機構,并有**秀服務人員長期在各地為您提供****質快捷的機組保養和維修服務。
Since the 1896 German de developed the first oil-free gas compressor, R & D and production has been working gas compressor field, is the German compression field of well-known brands in the gas, its products include piston oil free series, screw type air compressor, vacuum pump, Luo Cigu fan, mobile type high pressure air compressor, centrifugal machine etc.. The group is headquartered in the western German state of North Rhine Westphalia Ruhr district of Dortmund host the R & D center of precision machining and testing equipment for the international first-class level, to ensure that the products are perfect to achieve the design requirements.
Diamond (Shanghai) compression machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in 2005, is a Sino German cooperation in R & D, production, management of high-tech enterprises, the company is located in Shanghai City, Songjiang District export processing zone, covers an area of ten thousand square meters, the existing staff of more than 300, the main City in provinces across the country set up offices.
Diamond (Shanghai) compression machinery Co., Ltd. since its establishment, diligently strive after the new technology development and application, to ensure that the process is closely synchronized with the European standards, the company set up in Germany has a dedicated R & D center, in addition to Chinese market demand and running conditions of the full understanding, products for domestic operating condition of the main components of the system design, compressor complete sets of imported from Europe, produced by the European standard assembly line, and to strictly control the production base in Shanghai production of various parts of the original import rate, so the production of each diamond compressor performance of synchronous European standard.
De we not only provide you the minimum to 5.5KW, high-quality screw type air compressor to a maximum of 550KW, while also providing compressed air treatment equipment matching. The tremendous convenience to you at the same time, you also have our fast, professional service.
At present, Caedmon (Shanghai) compression machinery Co. Ltd. in Chinese mainland sales service network has more than 100, divided into East, West, north, northeast of Southern China, five regions, in the main city in the country have established offices, and has excellent service personnel have long been in providing the best maintenance and repair service for you.
The best-selling products from quality, selection of de compressor, will provide a strong impetus to the progress and the development of your business.